There are a multitude of NHS extracurricular activities to engage student talents and challenge young brains. Model UN is a club that pushes students to go outside their comfort zone and challenge their intellect. Through intense research and opinionated speeches, students learn to take charge. 

“Model UN is a club about leadership,” Club President Robert Diers said. “We represent two countries and defend a position on a topic during a conference at FGCU college. I hold meetings and introduce real world issues for the members to discuss.”

Learning about worldwide issues is very important to students’ development and social awareness. By joining Model UN, students get a chance to engage in debates about topics they may be passionate about or have to learn completely. It is a unique experience to gain knowledge, while also having fun with peers.

“I enjoy Model UN because it helps me in my other classes,” junior Nolan Hyer said. “I use the things I learn and talk about during meetings in classes like English and history to my advantage.” 

While Model UN tackles serious international issues and requires hard work, it will benefit students when applying to colleges. It is a great resume builder and shows future colleges that students are aware of modern political issues, practiced writing, have done thorough research and excelled in public speaking. 

“It looks amazing on your college resume,” Diers said. “Model UN is inspired by the UN General Assembly [and] it shows colleges that you are experienced and knowledgeable about the world.”