For most students, it’s often too early to have a set idea of the career or field they want to go into, however, a good amount of NHS students have clear interests and often pursue knowledge and experience from internships.
“The benefits on internships are getting a sense of your potential job, major or field,” Lily Poorman stated. “My friends in journalism class with me, Elle Bancroft and Ashton Mills have journalism internships at C2 Communications and seem to really enjoy it.”
One journalism student at NHS and intern at C2 Communications thoroughly enjoys the experience.
“I enjoy that my internship is very hands on, and it’s as if it is a real job, I’m treated like an adult,” Ashton Mills said. “We write about events happening in Naples or locally and I really enjoy it.”
CCPS offers internships to students who are in NAF Academies.The students must meet a certain criteria and a certain GPA to become internship available as a sophomore or junior.
The district also holds a wide internship preparation conference through NAF. Now Internship Preparation Conference is to help prepare students for applying to their internship.
There is quite a variety of internship opportunities available to students such as human resources to administrative opportunities, childcare and more.
Students who are interested can look in the local newspaper, use online resources, or visit the CCPS CTE website or the Chamber of Commerce website.
“I think internships are a great work-based learning experience that allow students the opportunity to experience firsthand real world work environment,” CCPS manager of high school career academies, Courtney Stahlman, commented. “An internship gives students an insight into a specific career path and allows them to understand if that career may be something that they may or may not want to pursue after high school.”
Stahlman expressed that it is extremely important for students to participate in an internship experience in high school if given the chance.