A coffee bean, in its purest form, can be the ingredient for delicious and enhancing concoctions. Ice cream, coffee cakes and tiramisu are some delicatessens that may feature the caffeine-based item. The most important among these is coffee. Coffee holds many households hostage with addictive qualities that increase activity throughout the nervous system.

Naples, Florida, is a place accompanied by a plethora of coffee shops. Hidden behind the businesses of Davis Blvd. is where you will find Bean to Cup, a quaint coffee lounge in East Naples. 

Situated beneath condominiums, the coffee shop hosts a positive and stimulating work environment. Their family-style staff operates the shop until early afternoon where you can order pastries, coffees and sandwiches. 

Coffee isn’t only what Bean to Cup offers, rather their atmosphere is what’s worth the trip. Live music is offered indoors and outdoors, which provides a soothing environment to get work done. The outside features a big area for seating with tables, hammocks and a cute location on the dock. This area welcomes ducks and animals to greet you as you enjoy your beverage or meal. 

Bean to Cup is a great place to relax, meet up with friends, enjoy a drink or finish work. And, if you frequently visit the lounge, they give you a punch card that can be used to redeem a free coffee or pastry after ten purchases.