Naples High School’s 2021-22 school year is coming to a close, and with that, the course selection process is starting. When creating schedules, it’s important to not forget that there are multiple class requirements that must be fulfilled in order to graduate. Check with a counselor or on the school’s website to see which classes are required for graduation.

NHS offers many courses for students to take, some even led to a specific career path. For example, if you see yourself taking a career in television or broadcasting, try out the T.V. Production course. This course will get you afoot with all the knowledge you need regarding television to pass the industry exam.

The T.V. Production course has taught me real job skills such as video editing, screenwriting and acting. I also had the opportunity to take the industry certification test for T.V. Production which allows you to get internships.

Another good choice for a career path is the award-winning engineering course offered at NHS. Taught by Coach Cliff Greer, the course will teach problem-solving and critical thinking skills while being fun at the same time. The class also takes trips and learns from real engineers.

AP and AICE classes look good on transcripts, so it’ll never hurt to add some to your selection sheet. In for a real challenge? Try AP Chemistry or AP Physics. If not, try an easier course like AP Psychology. Furthermore, taking AICE classes allows you to get an AICE diploma. AICE General Paper is the prerequisite for every AICE class at NHS.

You can also take regular level classes such as chemistry and physics without taking the honors and AP approach. These regular classes will allow you to get educated on the subject but will be far less rigorous.

Standardized testing will be a deciding factor for which classes you can be placed into. If you don’t do well on your Florida State Assessment (FSA), you will not be able to go into higher level classes. I think this is unfair, because although you can have the intellect for those classes, you may not be a good test taker or perform well on the FSA.

Reading a course name on your selection sheet may not sound enticing to you. In that case, you can watch short informational videos on electives here.

Choosing courses can be a difficult process, but you must be careful with them. They will make your transcript be strong, but it’s important you choose the courses you want to take for your future plans.