Homecoming week began on Oct. 30, where students were dressed in their best U.S.A. themed outfits. Students reported to mentor homeroom to tally up the points of those who dressed up. The grade that tallied up the most points won bragging rights.
“My favorite day was costume day,” freshman Mya Butterworth shared. “We all got to dress up.”
Oct. 31 was designated as Trick or Treat day, which coincidentally fell on Halloween. This was also a very important win for the students, since in years past they weren’t able to dress up on Halloween. Students were given the liberty to dress up as long as it was appropriate school attire.
On Nov. 1, students swayed into school wearing funky hats and Hawaiian shirts for Tacky Tourist day.
“I really enjoyed tacky tourist day because I came to school showing off my cool hat,” sophomore Mason Biggs stated. “It was really funny to see everyone with sunscreen on their noses.”
The following day was assigned as Career day, however, students’ opinions differed.
“Thursday wasn’t my favorite because not many people participated,” freshman Rachel Garcia explained. “It wasn’t as fun as the other days.”
The week wrapped up with spirit day. Students wore Naples High School merchandise, and some even painted their faces. Many students dressed up to support their school by wearing blue, white, and gold.
“I like spirit day, it’s fun,” freshman Emma Luck shared. “The games in the middle of the green space were fun and the music was cool to have.”
Events after school consisted of: cart building, homecoming olympics, and dodgeball.
All of these fun activities led up to the big football game as the Golden Eagles dominated the Piper Bengals 70-0.
“Spirit week was a fun week to dress up and wear fun stuff,” freshman Cristina Castillo stated. “I’d probably dress up again next year because it was fun.”
Like Castillo, Butterworth shared the same interest and has decided to dress up again next year.
“We get to support the school in a very fun and active way,” Butterworth declared. “I feel obliged to support my school because it’s a really fun activity which everyone does.”
Students of Naples High School must wait another year for the exciting week that many enjoy and cherish.