The walkway by the library was almost impassable as students gathered around tables set up with boards and props. The annual club rush usually draws such a big crowd, this year was no different.
There were 23 clubs with tables and a total of 25+ clubs available to join. Within the following weeks there are expected to be more clubs as they obtain teachers as sponsors.
There were a lot of students signing up for a variety of clubs. Students were signing up for different types of sports, religion, robotics and engineering clubs, and much more. There was something for everyone.
Some examples of the popular clubs include Key Club, Interact, FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes), JSA (Junior State of America) and Big Sister’s Closet.
Junior State of America allows students to express their political beliefs and gives them the opportunity to go to Washington, D.C.. Students get to visit Capitol Hill and present a bill that they made, and get it gets voted on to see if it moves on to the later stage. Students also get the chance to visit and tour the White House.
“I’m really excited to go do JSA. D.C. it’s going to be a whole lot of fun. I already have my proposed bill and I’m hoping it moves on to the later stages,” senior Charlie Somalia said. “This is my first year in it and I’m excited to express my political beliefs and see other people’s viewpoints.”
Clubs offer many positive advantages. For example, students can receive community service hours, meet new friends, participating in the community, and explore new sports and religions.
“Key club allows me to receive an extra hour of community service for every lunch meeting,” senior Garnel Guerrier stated. “It’s the easiest hour you can receive.”
Garnel and other students are really excited to go back into their old clubs for consecutive years in a row.
“I love helping out the community and doing the projects and task they have for us.” Garnel stated. “On top of all that, this is helping me take on a leadership role and expand on what it means to be a leader.”
Students had two days to sign up, Aug. 29-30. Some students weren’t happy with the placement of the event and how it was all thrown together.
“I feel as if having everything on one walkway was too much and so jam packed,” senior Colby Stabile stated. “It was hard to get lunch and pass through the crowd just to get to the library.”