The bustling Cambier Park will be having multiple special events in the coming weeks. NHS students have expressed their interest in attending some of these out-of-school activities in the park.
The events include, but are not limited to, the Bandshell Concert, 100 Years of Comedy and the Naples Big Band Concert.
“Nowadays, I don’t visit Cambier Park too often because of my tight schedule,” junior Erika Mogelvang said. “However, if I do go, I like to walk around and enjoy the outside world.”
Mogelvang, as well as others, say that they no longer have free time like they used to. They also said that they would love to go, but they can’t due to busy schedules.
“I may go to an event or two if I get a chance,” freshman Emma Crowe said. “I think that the Naples Big Band event would definitely interest a few of my friends,” Crowe said.
The Naples Big Band Concert has grabbed the attention of many students due to Naples High School’s abundance of band members; however, there are some students who believe that events like these are a waste of time.
“None of the events really caught my interest,” freshman Angelena Willis said. “They are boring and pointless.”
Although this may be the viewpoint of a few students, many others have said they would love to attend the events if they had time.
“I believe plenty of students would have some interest in seeing these events,” Mogelvang said. “They range in all sorts of directions, and I know many who would love to see them.”
The coming events at Cambier Park are the Bandshell Concert, the NAMI Walk 2020, the Naples National Art Show and Movie Night Under the Stars.