During these uncertain times, many seniors are concerned with when and where traditional senior responsibilities and activities will be taking place, such as senior pictures, song tryouts, and graduation robes and speeches. With some students attending school virtually and others in person, some seniors feel left in the dark from important information regarding senior events.
With much uncertainty for the spring months, graduation and Project Graduation tickets are to be determined. Seniors interested in speaking at graduation must try out for the speech on May 5 in room 6-103 at 2:15 p.m. Song tryouts are on May 5 at 2:30 in the gym.
Many virtual students struggle with finding information about activities, events, and other daily reminders. Missing out on major information about important senior events has become a fear for many virtual seniors.
“I am concerned that I will not be given correct and timely information about how and where to order my cap and class rings… [and] about other senior events, like grad bash and senior night,” senior Jordyn Baker said. “I really miss the school news every morning. I feel like I am missing out on lots of information.”
Not only are students concerned about missing information, but parents are as well.
“I just worry that she is missing important information that seniors need,” an NHS senior’s parent Jeanne Poorman said.
Students and parents can take proactive steps to break down the communication barriers facing many online students.
“I always ask my child to make sure she is checking her inbox on Canvas and I look on the Naples High website to keep up with any important dates,” Poorman said.
Staying connected and alert is vital to be sure you aren’t missing out on any information.
Several weeks ago, school counselors sent out important senior information sheets via Canvas. One of the most frequently asked questions is when and where to order senior pictures, caps, and gowns.
“Order caps and gowns from www.highschoolherffjones.com and senior pictures at www.prestigeportraits.com,” school counselor Michelle Fineis said. “You must be off the obligation list to receive your ordered cap and gown.”
Amidst the chaos of the school year, seniors are looking forward to the end of year festivities to celebrate their high school graduation.
“I’m looking forward to the senior day at the Beach Club and graduation overall,” Baker said.
Keep an eye out for new information regarding senior events and requirements from your counselor or the administration through Canvas.