Grades are unique; some students hide them from the world, while others tell everyone within a five mile radius about their high GPA. There are a lot of students at NHS, meaning there’s a variety of grades being submitted each quarter. One way the school encourages students to get good grades is through the Renaissance program. This program can grant students rewards and advantages at school, since they symbolize students’ hard work and effort. 

The goal of the Renaissance program is to improve GPA, test scores, attendance, discipline, and overall positive behavior. This is done by handing out cards to high performing students, which they can exchange for a reward. 

“The Renaissance card you get depends on your GPA,” sophomore Robby Diers said. “I got a blue card every quarter, and I got things like cookies and candy for it.”

These prizes motivate students to continue working hard to improve their GPA. A blue card is awarded for a 3.5 to 4.0 GPA, a gold card is from 3.0 to 3.49 and a white card is for a .5 GPA improvement from your previous quarter.

“I got my blue card today during Connect4Success,” sophomore Delainey Beams said. “I am super excited to see what reward we get, since last year I only used my Renaissance card once.”

The Renaissance program has been used at schools all across the country. Since its founding in 1988, the program has helped schools motivate their students to be persistent in their academic achievements. 

The NHS Renaissance committee also works hard to provide enjoyable prizes that overachieving students can enjoy. This makes card-receiving students want to keep doing great, while inspiring the students who didn’t get a card to work harder next quarter.

“My favorite reward was probably the Chick-fil-A sandwiches from two years ago,” senior Sophia Nocera said. “I’d tell new students to keep their grades up and get a Renaissance card, and most importantly, don’t lose them!”