There are many new freshmen that go to Naples High with busy schedules, great achievements and interesting lives, but one freshman that stands out from the crowd is Katie Huynh. 

Huynh is a prime example of a successful and young woman. She has faced challenges and still goes through her days with a positive attitude and with a smile on her face. 


Inspirations and Memories

Everyone has idols or role models, but not everyone can say that their role model is their mother. 

“I look up to my mom because she is the most hardworking, yet humble person I’ve ever met; she inspires me to always do my best in everything I do,” Huynh said. 

Seeing her mother’s success has inspired Katie to always stay dedicated and love what she does to the fullest, whether that’d be a sport, a class, an art project or baking.

Huynh agrees with the quote, “sometimes, when things are falling apart, they may be falling into place.” She believes everything happens for a reason, and eventually things will get better, no matter the situation. 

This quote is one of the reasons Huynh is able to stay so positive on a daily basis. In addition to the quote, one of her favorite memories results in her happiness everyday. 

“One of my most memorable moments was adopting my dog, Echo,” Huynh said. “She means the world to me and brings a smile to my face every single day.”



Huynh is an extremely active and athletic individual. She was two-and-a-half years old when she started to dance, and has been doing gymnastics for around eight years. Since entering Naples High School, she has also joined the color guard. Accolades and awards aren’t new for Huynh either.

“There are too many to keep track of,” Huynh said. 

However, after COVID-19 hit and the pandemic started, she could no longer compete or train. This caused a variety of challenges for Huynh. 

“I was unable to go to gymnastics for about four months, leaving me with barely any skills left when I came back,” Huynh said. “I needed to work harder than ever and face every mental block to regain my skills and get in good shape for competition season.”



After a stressful week of school, dance, gymnastics, violin and color guard, Huynh likes to bake to unwind and relax.

“Baking is extremely therapeutic and helps me to relax, all while making a delicious treat,” Huynh said. “I also love baking because I enjoy the process of turning nothing into something.” 

Baking something almost every week, she further develops her skills and love for baking. However, while baking is therapeutic, it requires a lot of patience, time and skill. 

“Macarons are the hardest thing I have tried to bake.” Huynh said. “I have probably baked these more than 50 times in my lifetime, and they have only turned out like “true” macarons a few times. The technique used to make these is very specific and requires mastering.”


Friends and Family

Huynh is well known throughout the freshman class of Naples High. She has many friends that have known her for years.

“I’ve known her since kindergarten so almost ten years.” freshman Hannah Finman said. 

Finman is her longest friend and has watched Huynh grow up over the past ten years. They have attended the same schools their entire academic life. 

Finman says her favorite thing about Huynh is how she is so radiant and kind. Whenever Katie comes around, she can put anyone in a good mood and put a smile on her face with her corny jokes or caring attitude. 

Even people who haven’t known Katie for almost 10 years still only have good things to say.

“Huynh is always so supportive of everyone. She always seems to be there for anyone, and not to mention the smile on Katie’s face that never seems to falter.” freshman Kathrine Spivey said. 

Katie’s friends all know and love her, but no one knows her or loves her like her mom.

“Katie is one of the hardest working individuals I know… combining hard work with quick learning, Katie is unbelievably productive with her time and has achieved so much in her life,” Katie’s mom Mai Huynh-Le said.