Near the end of every school year, Naples High runs an election for the Student Government Association (SGA). Students cast their votes to determine next year’s leaders based on short summaries of what the candidates plan on doing. Now that the election is over, many are wondering if chosen students will live up to their promises and plans. 

SGA creates an opportunity for students to change the school environment, structure and more. Every week SGA meets to discuss what has changed, what needs to be changed and how the changes can be made. 

“We meet and talk about the positive and negative things we saw/experienced on campus,” newly elected senior vice president Lane Calkins said. “Next year, students should look forward to fun events and a collaborative campus.”

Involvement in SGA can stand out to colleges and provide scholarship opportunities. A resume showing confidence, persistence and leadership skills is key to individuality, and SGA can provide just that.

“Being on Student Government helps you stand out from the rest,” next year’s junior president Havana Layton said. “It proves that you are responsible and open-minded to new ideas.”

Running for SGA is a very simple process. During election season, candidates submit their name, a picture of themselves and a short summary of their goals for SGA through the Google Form provided. Then, the responses will be shown to every student on campus as votes are cast. If elected, students will be able to participate in meetings and make decisions regarding school-related issues.

“Make sure you have reasoning and motive if you plan on running,” newly elected sophomore board member Michael Marcy said. “You and your ideas need to be appealing so that you can get the students’ votes.”

Students using their voices are important for the campus, and SGA helps ideas be brought to light. Naples High has thrived in years past with unity and teamwork amongst the student body. SGA brings students, staff and the community together to make changes for the better. 

“Next year me and the rest of SGA want to make school as enjoyable as possible,” next year’s sophomore secretary Meghan McKernan said. “I am very excited to hear everybody’s solutions and propositions for upcoming obstacles.”