Friday, April 26, 2024
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Summer plans: Expectations vs. Reality

As school closes and summer approaches within a week, students’ excitement is growing. With this excitement comes hopes, plans and various expectations, but also a harsh reality of what may not be possible with...

Which AP classes should you take? A guide to the hardest and easiest advanced...

Advanced Placement (AP) courses are selective classes that are not for the average student. College credits are awarded to those who succeed in these classes, and hard work is required to do so. There...

Fast and easy recipe ideas to overcome the summer heat

This summer is reported to be hotter than average, with temperatures possibly reaching 95 degrees. With this climate, students are in need of refreshing and replenishing recipes to battle the summer heat. Summer foods and...

Personality Profile: Lane Calkins, this year’s Pitmann awardee

The Pittman Award is one of Naples High School’s most prestigious awards for female athletes. While it is open to both juniors and seniors, the award has gone to mostly seniors during its 32-year...

COVID-19 vaccine: Side effects, fear and the road to recovery

Millions of people around the world are receiving different versions of the COVID-19 vaccine, hoping to end the ongoing pandemic that has slowed the lives of everyone on the planet.  Moderna is one of the...

Activities to do over the summer to keep your brain active

Summer is a time of relaxation, and with relaxation comes laziness. Many find themselves only wanting to stay indoors or sleep for those eight weeks without the structure of school. Mental health is just...