Naples High School held its a talent show for the first time in recent memory, with different acts showcasing talents in front of an auditorium of seniors on March 1.

“It was really fun,” senior Tucker Davis said. “I didn’t know a lot of these people had talents like that.”

Lots of students auditioned for the talent show, while 10 students made it to the finals. Some started to get last minute butterflies before going on stage.

“I practiced my song for about a day or two,” third place winner sophomore Marlowe Mitchell said. “I always get nervous and I had butterflies in my stomach on stage until I started singing.”

The crowd was very excited in all of the students’ talents, followed by multiple standing ovations after the acts were over.

“It was a lot of fun and gives a lot of experience,” singer Kararose Hardman said. “I would perform again next year if they have one.”

With seniors in the crowd and no underclassmen, other grade levels are hoping that different grades will be able to go next year. Students are hoping for another talent show next year for students to show off more hidden talents.