Wednesday, May 1, 2024
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All you need to know about this sophomore’s scrunchie shoppe

Not only does she run varsity cross country and play varsity soccer, but sophomore Morgan Vickaryous also makes and sells scrunchies in her free time. This scrunchie-making sophomore’s designs have caught the attention from fans...

Saving the world one water bottle at a time

Around Naples High School, student athletes are told by their coaches to drink a lot of water and cut down on soda. Many water bottles are thrown away in the trash every day at...

Students feelings on last semester and how they will improve

Now that the first semester is over, students are receiving their grades and figuring out how they did and what they should do to improve. “I’m feeling hopeful for the new semester; a fresh...

Why do we have MLK day off?

Students all across the country may be looking forward to the upcoming three day weekend, but they may not understand the importance of this weekend. Those who have off of work or school Monday...

Moving plastics out of the oceans: Two Part Commentary

For years, plastic has been destroying our environment, but recently big companies have contributed by getting rid of plastic straws and other materials to save the environment. Plastic is such a harm to the environment...

Moving plastics out of the oceans: Two Part Commentary

Everyday, students bring coffees to school preparing themselves to face the difficult day ahead. The most popular coffee shop choices, Starbucks and Dunkin’ Donuts, offer an incentive program if someone brings their own cup. By...